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General Meeting #3

Third general meeting counted with the presence of all the participants of the three project Research Lines. Efforts were layed in the management of project resources and discussion of the past and future developments.

Recycled Plastic

Topics discussed:

- Lab2PT assistant introduction João Ventura Salvador Lopes;
- bureaucracy issues and delays in hiring scholarship holders;
- status and report of work completed to date;
- interaction between Research Lines for the seasonal report;
- financial status and hiring of scholarship holders;
- RL1:

  • A1 and A2 have the same rhythm and are powered by ATLAS;

  • definition of general terms;

  • device types (groups);

  • add the actuator to the diagrams and more information;

  • ATLAS analysis;

  • include actuators in the sensor lists;

  • need for a glossary to clarify terms - ATLAS, prosthesis/addon, hub;

- RL2:

  • the goal is to collect information;

  • use of authentication service data when using the device;

  • pedestrian navigation in large spaces;

  • formatting maps to ideal formats for the product;

  • navigation, information gathering, mapping navigations from crowdsourcing users' smartphones;

  • security, privacy issues in people tracking;

  • inclusion of BIM, translation from CAD to IGNF;

  • actuators, including any type of sensors and outdoor tracking;

- RL3:

  • clarification of activities;

  • how material will be collected, which material, shape of the device;

  • consider UV and humidity;

- discussion of the pre-prototype of the system;


University of Minho, Campus Azurém

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